AMRIT; As we commonly know as God’s Nectar.
An indulging culinary experience originating from the gifts of nature, soulfully prepared at the SoupHerb kitchen with passion, creativity, and commitment.
Pretty Women! we serve you SOM-ABHA
ABHA; known for Illumination and Grace, is produced by carefully selecting herbs according to the historic Ayurveda principles that have particularly associated skin and hair as an essential to women’s overall beauty and the radiating confidence.
You are Prakriti! You create Life! You are a Mother!
In Hindu shastras, which are ancient religious scriptures and texts, mothers are revered and described in various ways, reflecting the profound respect and importance accorded to motherhood within Hindu culture.
AJAYA; According to Vaishnav Purana, One of the 108 names of Krishna; Meaning: "The Conqueror of Life And Death"
In Ayurveda, good health is not merely the absence of disease but a dynamic state of equilibrium among the body, mind, and spirit.
In Ayurveda, "Ayush" (आयुष्) refers to the lifespan or duration of life.
As people age, Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of maintaining balance in both body and mind to enhance vitality, prevent disease, and promote overall well-being
Another wish in your child is to grow into the many versions of their Soup-er Hero. Mom’s! We offer you SOM-ARKA
ARKA; known for illumination and awakening, is produced by adopting the gifts of nature and nurturing them with our creativity, passion, and commitment at the SoupHerb kitchen, to produce the Divine Health Potion for your little angels.
SOMA-ADRA, the SOUPHERB intent is to restore your everlasting youth, through a rather realistic, organic and assuring approach. Well researched and proven herbs like Vidaari, Jeevanti, Majishtha and more, have been intentionally incorporated in this SOUPHERB recipe to ensure their promising and proven benefits towards health rejuvenation and restoration.
Som-Ananda, a nourishing recipe from the Soupherb kitchen, is appropriate for one's constitution (prakriti) and Ananda arises when the doshas (biological energies) are in balance, the digestive fire (agni) is strong, and waste materials (ama) are minimized. When these conditions are met, the body functions optimally, and the mind experiences clarity and contentment.
The inspiration behind leading an "Aarogya" life, one that prioritizes health and well-being, stems from the holistic principles of Ayurveda and the wisdom of ancient Indian philosophy
Soupherb, has consciously prepared Som-Aarogya : “Preventive soups in every bowl!”
VATA (Anila ; Air) dosha is primarily composed of the elements air (Vayu) and space (Akasha).
It is considered the most influential of the three doshas because it governs movement, consciousness and controls all bodily activities.
SOM-AAGNI, an authentic herbal medley from the Soupherb kitchen, a soothing broth that has properties to calm and uplift your overall physical and mental movement. Soup-er herbs like Sandalwood, Dhamasa, Vasa, Neem leaves, Gulkand, Amla, Baoba pulp, known for their fresh, cool and calming properties, Bracing with flavorful and wholesome ingredients like Moth (Matki beans) and Red rice, serves a soup that’s a Herbal delectable delight.
The religious or spiritual explanation of Kapha dosha aligns with Ayurveda's holistic understanding of health and wellness, emphasizing the importance of maintaining balance in the subtle energies that govern the functioning of the body, mind, and consciousness.
Som-Ananta, A HARMONIOUS CULINARY MASTERPIECE from the Soupherb kitchen.
This recipe is curated with 20+ magical herbs and protein rich pulses and vegetables, on the forever renowned ayurvedic principles of age preservation.